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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our Newest Family Member

We've decided to add another member to our small family.


Did you get that?

No rumors. Please.

And due to lease specifications, no, its not a pet.

Chad and I have the pleasure of sponsoring a baby from Lesotho.

If you're like us, you say, "Ummmm....where's Lesotho?"

It's here:

We looked it up on Google Earth and zoomed in as much as possible on the capital city.

Chad liked it because they had a soccer stadium.

And I liked it because I saw about 5 hospitals/clinics in a 5 block radius.

I am hoping this means our sweet girl has access to good medical care.

How did we choose her?

We went to the World Vision site and searched by our anniversary, May 12, and under 1 year old. 

After I saw in Haiti how AIDS ravages lives and families, 

We also thought it was important to pick a child in an AIDS affected area.

And wow, she is PRECIOUS!

Please Welcome Miss Malehloa!

Isn't she so precious?! I'd give anything to be able to hold her and tickle those chubby cheeks!

Welcome to our family, sweet girl!

On the day we celebrate our wedding, we will be celebrating one year of your life!

(I adore her already!)

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable and what a sweet reminder, celebrating your day of love with her birth day. I love it and hope someday you get to meet her!
