This Is Us


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Float Trip 2015!

I'm not outdoorsy.

At all.

So making it through a weekend of camping and floating with 2 dozen friends is a big deal!

We left our dogs at home, but I wish they could have come with us! A few friends brought theirs, and they did awesome!

We got less sleep all weekend than I usually get in one night, but that's okay!

It was good to get away for a few days!

Until next year, everyone!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Regionals in Indy!

Indy was so fun! 

We got to see Lucas and Liz for lunch on Thursday!

And we found out auditions for the last season of American Idol was being held at our hotel. 

Friday afternoon we got to go on the "Handlebar" tour of Indy. It was so fun!

Saturday night was the awards ceremony for the past year. 

Some of the FA's in the region put together live music for the night...who knew guys in finance could be so musical?

Chad won an award that night and I was so proud!

Unfortunately it was time to go back to reality and back to work on Monday!

I wish we could have this weekend again and am already looking forward to next year in KC!

...Wait A Minute...

Y..Wasn't one of my goals for this year to blog more frequently?

It's July,..

...and my last post was in May!

Oh well.

So what happened in June?

After 3 months, our sweet foster dog, Shadow, FINALLY went to be with his forever family!

And Nala and Strawberry Shortcake both joined our family for a while.

Chad's parents came up the first weekend to celebrate my birthday with a trip to the Kimmswick Strawberry Festival and dinner at Zia's on the Hill.

The following weekend was Joelle and Aidas' bachelor/ette party at Tower Grove Park followed by dinner and dessert for the girls!

We celebrated my 24th, Father's Day, and Lindsay and Tyson's anniversary next with a big family dinner!

Before we knew it, it was the next weekend and time for regionals for Chad's work in Indy!

We left town Thursday morning and got back Sunday.

{That one gets it's own post!}

After regionals, all eyes were on our 4th of July cookout (that we actually had on the third!)

Possibly the biggest and best news is that I am now an Independent Wellness Consultant for doTerra essential oils.

I had been dabbling in them the past few months and had been very impressed, so after getting Chad's ok, I made the plunge into being a consultant!

I LOVE my oils and sharing them with others!

My website is:

I place orders on the sixth of every month, so friends, you can order with me (better prices!) by the fifth of the month and start to bring holistic health into your home!