Our first full day at the orphanage was FULL.
Full of energy, full of noise, and full of surprises.
I think the theme of the last 24 hours is unexpected meetings.
Because we have seen SUNFLOWERS!
On the way to the orphanage, right as we walked in on the wall, and on the door to the kids hallway.
Its just amazing confirmation that He is here and guiding every step!
(not that we thought God wouldn’t be guiding every step, its just awesome to see confirmation!)
Then, as we arrived back at the orphanage after lunch we met up with 3 families that has adopted from CZ before and are now bringing their children back on a heritage trip.
(side note, Chad Rucker after we adopt and the kids are older we need to do this!)
They loved seeing the new building.
We were able to talk to them for a while about the kids they were taking photos of. I’m hoping they will help spread the word about them!
Tonight was the most surprising.
We were having team devo when there was a knock on the door and we opened it to find Director Wang and her assistant.
They came to appeal to us about helping raise awareness for the kids they are trying to send to school.
There are 7 that they want to send, but at the tuition cost of 3600Y (about 600 USD) the cost is too high.
They have enough to send them to the public school, but then she explained why they don’t go there.
I guess they tried to send them, but they were made fun of by the kids in town and it “crushed their confidence” so they pulled them out.
The boys were begging not to go back there.
Now, in the old orphanage building (behind the new one) is a school specifically for special needs kids.
They actually rent the building from the orphanage.
They want to keep sending the kids here, as well as send more, but the expense is too high.
Love Without Boundaries has set up a sponsorship program to help get all 7 eligible kids in.
$600 may seem steep, but I have no doubt the money can be raised.
Director Wang also said that two of the kids scored 1st and 2nd for the top of the class when they were first tested and continue to improve.
We agreed to help raise awareness.
When I get home you’ll see a very special post spotlighting these kids and their need for school! (I need more time and a better internet connection so I can add pics or else id do it now!)
She also wants to throw a party for us on the last day because she considers us friends. I thgouht that was so sweet!
I think it really shows a special connection with the director and our team that she felt comfortable enough to come visit us in our hotel room.
I love seeing this relationship bloom and I cant wait to see how it grows!
Sometimes unexpected meetings are truly the best!
He is with us!`
Our first full day at the orphanage was FULL.
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