This Is Us


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Our One Year Old!

I can't believe our sweet baby boy is one!

He is 29.25 inches tall. (Which means he has grown 8 inches taller!)

He weighs 21 lbs and 12 oz! (Which means he has gained over 14 1/2 lbs!)

Wait...didn't we just bring him home from the hospital yesterday?

And then I turned around and he was 6 weeks old and we were headed back to work

And then I turned around again and he was sitting up.

And then we were celebrating his first Christmas.

And here we are at one year old!

When people say "it goes fast!" they're definitely not lying.

Once someone told me that in parenting, the days are long but the years are short.

I've found this to be true.

Some days it seems like the clock is not moving and it will never be naptime.

And in the beginning, the nights stretched out forever with multiple feedings and diaper changes and tears (both from mama and Silas!)

What an absolute joy it has been to watch Silas grow, learn, and develop new skills.

I love trying to see the world through his eyes!

Some things about Silas to help us remember:

Favorite food: mac & cheese!
Favorite toy: the remote control
Favorite book: Curious George
Favorite place: home with Dada and Mama
Favorite show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Favorite activities: baths, dancing, and getting into things he shouldn't!
He can say: Mama, Dada, Dog, Go, Cup, Bub
He can: sign-More, All done, point,and wave

Silas, you are so very loved! You have brought more joy to us than we could have ever imagined! We look forward to spending many more years, laughs, and love with you! Love, Mama and Daddy

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