Rather than repeating, I will post Lindsay's update from tonight:
We are in the PICU and Colton is still on (lots of) oxygen. We are VERY grateful that Landon's pulmonologist happened to be visiting a patient here in the PICU when Colton arrived and came to check on us. He is now working with the fantastic PICU doctors to treat Colton. We are extremely grateful for how carefully and closely the staff is watching over our sweet boy. He is now on increased oxygen therapy. This afternoon we were told that he needed to stay in his bed and that he couldn't eat because moving him around was risky and feeding him could cause additional problems. However his respiration rate dropped to a safer number this evening so he was allowed to try a little pedialyte and then I got to hold him for a few minutes. Such a huge improvement! Because days 4, 5 and 6 of rsv are the worst his doctors are expecting him to get worse before he gets better. They have a plan in place to increase his oxygen therapy with a CPAP and put a feeding tube in if he does get worse but we are praying that he stays stable or improves. He had started wheezing some and has some noises coming from the right side of his lungs so they brought in an x Ray machine to check for pneumonia. Initial X-rays did not show pneumonia but they will continue to check since he is at risk for it. Colton has been asleep for most of the last 36 hours but did wake up enough to cry a little this evening so that is an improvement. He still has to work very hard to breathe for someone who is on oxygen but is currently considered in serious but stable condition. His young age and the fact that he was born3 weeks early makes everything a little more risky for him but we are encouraged by some of the things we have seen today. Thank you all so much for the prayers and please keep them coming!
I had Landon and Emmett this afternoon. They were with Uncle Chad until I could leave work, and then we headed back to their house for nap time. Landon asked multiple times for me to lay with him.
I think he is old enough to get that something scary is going on. So I laid down with him thinking he would talk to me, but really he just looked at a picture of baby Colton and asked about "the thing in his nose" (The O2 thing) and he was worried it was hurting him. I had to explain what it was to him and my heart broke.
And then he laid there and stared at me until he drifted off. Poor Buddy.
After naps I took them back to the hospital to eat dinner with their Mom and Dad.
While in the car, Emmett starting talking to a booger.
And Landon told him to eat it.
When this little guy is feeling better, we are going to have three wonderful, crazy, goofy boys on our hands and I can't wait!