This Is Us


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas with the Ruckers

The night after Christmas, Darla's side got together!

(The following are from Christmas morning. I was too lazy to make another post!)

Emm ate ALL of the candy in his stocking right then!

Love this little guy

Dolly thought Christmas was exhausting!

Stuart Family Christmas

Landon and Emm always make everything more exciting!

Christmas Eve service was in our NEW building!

Landon did great during service!

By candlelight...

Tracking Santa

Eating Dinner

How sweet is this?!

Emm had the best facial expressions!

Landon and Bella making Monkey Bread for Christmas morning!

Christmas With The Pups

While Dolly and Loki may not understand what Christmas is for, they knew SOMETHING was going on.

This was their first Christmas at home, so we opened their gifts after getting back from Mom's house on Christmas eve.

They LOVED Christmas!