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Sunday, August 25, 2013

We're Adding to Our Family!

Nope, not pregnant. 

Sorry, Mom...I know you want more grandbabies, but not now!

But we did decide Malehloa needs a big brother, and with a couple clicks of a button, she now has her brother!

Meet Cristian...the newest family member in the Rucker household!

We think he's precious!

He is 4, almost 5 years old.

His birthday is November 11, 2008 (which means we need to get a birthday gift in the mail soon!)

This is what World Vision says about him:

"Cristian Samuel lives with his parents and has no brothers or sisters. His parents struggle to provide for the family. His father is a farm laborer. Despite their efforts it is difficult to meet the family's needs.

Cristian Samuel is growing up in a poor village in the Latin American country of El Salvador. Depending on what's available, home construction there varies from brick to bamboo and mud. Roofs are often made of sheet metal or tile. Families survive mostly on corn, beans and rice and they can rarely afford meat. The rocky, mountainous desert region is hot, while the climate in the lowlands is more moderate. Cristian Samuel is not in school at this time. He likes to play with toys. He helps at home by being good. He is in satisfactory health.

Your sponsorship commitment will help provide Cristian Samuel and his community with access to clean water, education for children and improved school environments. Disease prevention is being taught to parents. Your loving support will provide agricultural training to families to help ensure better crops. As you become involved, you will provide your child and others with a future of hope. Through Bible study, these precious families will learn about God's love and grace."

El Salvador Flag

El Salvador's Map

Facts about El Salvador:
Land area: 8,000 sq mi (20,720 sq km); total area: 8,124 sq mi (21,040 sq km)
Population (2012 est.): 6,090,646 (growth rate: 0.3%); birth rate: 17.44/1000; infant mortality rate: 19.66/1000; life expectancy: 73.69; density per sq km: 341
Other large cities: Santa Ana, 167,200; San Miguel, 145,100; Zacatecoluca, 36,700
Monetary units: Colón; U.S. dollar
National name: República de El Salvador
Languages: Spanish, Nahua (among some Amerindians)
Ethnicity/race: mestizo 90%, white 9%, Amerindian 1%
National Holiday: Independence Day, September 15
Religions: Catholics 83%; growing population of evangelical Protestants (1992)
Literacy rate: 81.1% (2011 est.)

We think Cristian is absolutely precious and can't wait to get more letters and info from him!!

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