Silas had his tear duct probing surgery on Friday.
He was a happy camper on his way to the surgery!
And a happy, dancing fool once they gave him his tylenol/versed cocktail!
The video below shows it!
He wasn't even scared or sad when they took him back for surgery!
However, after surgery, when they brought me back to see him in recovery, that was not the case!
He was SO angry. And flailing around. And crying. And screaming.
It was one of the hardest moments of being a mom thus far.
He was so upset and nothing would help...except a mild sedative/pain med.
He was awake once we got to the room, and after he fell asleep on mama.
For the first time in months.
He was so happy to head home!
Although he didn't want to eat much the rest of the day...until Mama caved and gave him a cupcake!
He's all back to our normal, happy, and healthy little guy!