What. A. Year.
After some very high highs and some very low lows, it's time to look it over and get ready for the new year.
Our most exciting news of the year! |
It's a boy! |
Chad was able to be a member of our friends, Brandon and Samantha's, wedding! |
We enjoyed a Blues game for his birthday. |
Josh got to dress with the D1 team! |
We hosted a cookout over Memorial Day for our friends and family. |
In June, we spent a week in Florida visiting my grandparents! |
Chad earned an award at the Summer Regional Meeting in Branson for all his hard work! |
We spent the weekend in Chicago for a wedding and some sightseeing! |
In July, we were able to visit family in Texas! |
Our two highesr highs for the year:
We celebrated 5 years of marriage! |
We found out (in Florida!) that we are expecting! Silas Kevin Rucker will be joining our family in Early February 2018! |
And now for the lows...
If you've been following our family, you can probably guess what will go here...
We found out we were expecting in January...and then found out that we lost our babies on March 9th. I can say without a doubt that that day and the days following were the worst of our lives, the worst and the hardest we had been through, both as a couple and personally. Praise God for growth and healing. |
About 2 weeks after our loss, Chad was rear ended in a 5 car accident that landed him at the ER in a neck brace. He was fine, but it was scary and heart wrenching to go through so shortly after losing our babies. |
In late April, Chad's office was in danger of flooding for the second time in 2 years. |
Thankfully, he and fellow FA's rallied with the other members of his plaza to build a sandbag wall around the entire complex and ran pumps to keep the water out! |
Not to mention that during all of the flooding, accidents, and loss, Chad was dealing with the single biggest industry change in 40 years. Sometimes I don't know how he does it!
After moving to a new, DRY office: this happened in Chad's new plaza! |
While I'm sure I'm missing some other highs and lows, I think I'll end it here, as I'm getting overwhelmed!
Looking back on it all, again, all I can say is WOW.
What a mighty God we serve.
Again and again in the highs and lows, we've seen His love, His grace, and . His protection over our family.
We are looking forward to another full and exciting year in our lives!

Chad, Amy, and Baby Silas (and Dolly and Loki!)