We saved the biggest surprise for last!
I gave my two weeks at work on Thursday.
Yeah, that did happen.
In the past few weeks I have been in contact with TLC For Kids, which is the top nanny-placement agency in the STL area.
They offered to place me with a family, so that I can get back to being a "career nanny".
I don't have placement yet, so I am picking up temp hours after I leave CTI until I get permanent placement.
This came after having one of those "super-serious" conversations with Chad.
Guys, he is awesome.
Mr. "I plan everything and budget down to the penny" is willing to step out of his comfort zone because he can see how excited I am for the opportunity and how much it would mean to me to get back into nanny life!
My last day of my office job is the 4th, and I have been interviewing in the evenings for a placement.
And this is all at no cost to me!
In case you can't tell, I am SO excited to be back to doing a job I love.
(call me crazy, but helping raise children is much more fulfilling than filing papers and answering phones!)
Know a nanny looking for a great new job? Send her this link!